I’m still out there…..

June 10, 2017

Wow….A mess of stuff had happened since I’ve posted here last. We moved from Havasu to Altus, Oklahoma and a year later, we wound up in Guthrie, Oklahoma.

Life got away again…..

May 18, 2015

So here we are, 4 months later and the girls and I have left Arizona and moved to Oklahoma……daddyO took a job offer here in Altus, OK for the same company I was working for in Havasu. I know the girls miss everyone and I’m no exception. The job keeps me very busy and the people around town have been friendly enough.

The ‘vette was transported out first and Ann and I drove 2 rental trucks with me towing the Continental. We found a place out on the south end of town with the Texas border less than 20 miles from us. It’s sort of like being in the center of a few places that are less that a 3 hour drive from us…plenty of new places to explore once we get settled.

Working on the layout again….

January 14, 2015

Here’s a look at my stationary controllers for the layout. The goal is to have all of the switch machines and the turntable run by DCC

ISS sighting

September 17, 2014

The ISS will be visible from Lake Havasu City, on Friday, 26 Sep 05:40:51
Starting in the N (355°)
Ending in the ENE (62°) at 05:44:29
Maximum elevation: 14°
Brightness: 0.3


The 58th state

August 2, 2014


Don’t push buttons on a plane….

October 20, 2013

button crash

The wrong wing…

August 11, 2013

The wrong wing...

They sent a horrible looking wing to replace the one that was damaged on the 4th of July

The claim was opened

July 8, 2013

I got to work today and had a message from the other guy’s insurance company giving me a claim number for the accident on the 4th; so far, so good. All I want is to get the car fixed. I learned one thing; I’m not driving the ‘vette on holiday weekends anymore.

Catching up on things…

July 7, 2013

First things first; Dreamlinux development has ended. I closed the forum last January and that’s the end…No explanations and I may never know really why the devs gave up like that. I’m still running 5.0 along side Sabayon, Ubuntu Precise, Win7 Pro and Win8 and that’s enough hard drive madness for me.

It’s way too hot to be in the garage, so the trains have been out of the question. I did manage to get the backdrop positioned for mounting hardware and change the battery on the System One command station before the heatwave hit us. When it cools down I hope to finish the actuator setup I’ve dreamed up for the patio layout.

The ‘vette just recently went for a $1900.00 transmission rebuild and just the other day, I was read-ended on the way home from work! I’m getting a couple of estimates on the way home and I hope they don’t give me a hard time; it’s the second time “Flo” has paid a claim on this car.

WOW…has be it been a while since I’ve posted?

July 7, 2013

To be honest, it has..I could write a novel about the stuff that’s happened in the last year and a half, but this is not the time….I will update this again real soon and hopefully turn this into something useful.