Archive for the ‘Dreamlinux’ Category

Catching up on things…

July 7, 2013

First things first; Dreamlinux development has ended. I closed the forum last January and that’s the end…No explanations and I may never know really why the devs gave up like that. I’m still running 5.0 along side Sabayon, Ubuntu Precise, Win7 Pro and Win8 and that’s enough hard drive madness for me.

It’s way too hot to be in the garage, so the trains have been out of the question. I did manage to get the backdrop positioned for mounting hardware and change the battery on the System One command station before the heatwave hit us. When it cools down I hope to finish the actuator setup I’ve dreamed up for the patio layout.

The ‘vette just recently went for a $1900.00 transmission rebuild and just the other day, I was read-ended on the way home from work! I’m getting a couple of estimates on the way home and I hope they don’t give me a hard time; it’s the second time “Flo” has paid a claim on this car.

Dreamlinux-5 has arrived!

December 31, 2011

Nelson Silveira and the devs at Dreamlinux have announced the availability of the next version of Dreamlinux…introducing Dreamlinux-5.

To get it, just follow one of the following links:

Remember that there’s a manual on the desktop or you can find out more here:


Waiting on Dreamlinux News….

February 22, 2011

Still waiting on Nelson to get back to me with the news release that Andre is going to give to Distrowatch….I can’t wait to see what it will say about the latest developments in the world of Dreamlinux.

The Future of Dreamlinux

February 11, 2011

Just when you thought that Dreamlinux was on the way out, Nelson Silveira E-mailed me to update me on the status of the distro. It seems like he wants to make DL4.0 a stripped down version that can be customized to anyone’s taste.

I told him that I thought it would be a great new direction to take the distro on and I can’t wait to see what the next spin will look like. If it contains that great incremental installer that he came up with in Beta 4, it will be a winner.

The newest Dreamlinux Beta is coming….

January 4, 2011

Palemoon just sent me a screenie of the next Dreamlinux Beta….it is looking so sweet. Now, if it only comes with that brilliant installer, life will be grand.

Dreamlinux 4.0 Beta 4

May 7, 2010

The new Beta v.4 is available here:


Dreamlinux has a new administrator….

January 16, 2010

And it’s me!…Richs-lhx over at Linux-Hardcore turned over the admin position to me a couple of days ago.

I’m very excited about the prospects of Dreamlinux 4.0 in 2010 and have great ideas for taking the forum to the next level.

Come visit us at: